How to Share the Gospel From Alpha Catholic Experts

In Alpha Catholic Experts Chat, Ed Zadeiks and Adrian Rojo de la Vega provide key tips for anyone looking for creative ways to share the gospel using Alpha.

There’s no denying COVID-19 has been hard and challenging for so many people in such a variety of ways. Yet, a grace-filled silver lining of this pandemic is how the Church has been able to share the gospel with many individuals who are seeking answers to life’s big questions.

We are so excited about how Alpha continues to help the Church share the gospel, bringing people to Christ. No matter the restrictions placed on social gatherings, Alpha online provides a great opportunity for those seeking purpose and hope in their lives, introducing them to the Church and the many blessings of a heart for Jesus. 

3 Key Elements for Preparing to Run Alpha

In Alpha Catholic Experts Chat, Ed Zadeiks and Adrian Rojo de la Vega provide key tips for anyone looking to share the gospel with others using Alpha. Our two experts stress the importance of three elements:

Prayer – Calling on the Holy Spirit is crucial when discerning or planning any Alpha activity. A regular prayer routine, holding everyone involved with the Alpha session in your intentions while inviting God’s plan, can ensure He guides you along your way. 

Invitation – Personal invitation always seems to carry weight for someone considering trying an Alpha. So, extending a genuine greeting and offer to others could just be the motivation needed for them to attend an Alpha. 

Team – Having an experienced team organize and lead activities certainly holds great impact on Alpha’s value for participants. When planning Alpha, be sure to have a foundation based on strong training. 

4 Keys to Running a Successful Alpha

While the above three criteria are important when planning an Alpha, Ed and Adrian also discuss four things you can do to help you run a successful experience once underway:

Hospitality – While extending a personal invitation to someone to join an Alpha course can go a long way, making people feel welcome is equally meaningful. That’s why personal greetings, engagement and connection with others is so vital when beginning each session whether in person or online. 

Open discussion – As Alpha is based on open sharing without judgment, it’s always good to lean on the content of the videos provided and the natural conversation that will flow from them. Showing love and respect during group discussions can strengthen a feeling participants are being listened to and are welcomed. 

Talks – When running Alpha sessions, no one ever needs to reinvent the wheel, since the message is already in place and simply needs to be shared. So, we never have to worry about changing any talking points or adding anything to fit a certain context – the original model is the best one and allows for personal growth in the most natural way. 

Time away – Once Alpha is over, it is always a good idea to take some time away and allow the experience to settle in for people. Just like how seeds need time to grow, participants will benefit from some personal space in order to fully receive Jesus into their hearts and lives. 

Following these steps and relying on the Holy Spirit to lead you, we’re sure your Alpha will inspire and equip you to share the gospel with your community and encourage an authentic and relational experience for everyone who attends. 

Staying connected as a parish and sharing the gospel with people is hard during the pandemic. Alpha online is a way to engage your parish in evangelization in this season. Alpha helps create a space where everyone feels safe to ask their questions about life, faith and Jesus.

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