Now more Chinese people can hear the gospel in their heart languages

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a safe space, online or in person, where you can invite your friends to come explore faith, know Jesus, and experience God’s invitation.

Chinese people are the largest ethnic group in the world, with nearly 1.5 billion people. There are 1.8 million Chinese living in Canada all year round. Since the pandemic, there has been a significant influx of Chinese people from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia who have come to Canada to work, study, and live. To share the good news with them in their heart language, Alpha has produced various contextualized film series for the different Chinese people groups.

Whether you speak Mandarin, Cantonese, or Hokkien, you can hear the gospel in your mother tongue and hear testimonies and stories from people who have a similar culture and life experience as you.

We also invite you to use these Chinese contextualized Alpha Film Series to share the gospel with your family, friends, neighbours, or colleagues so that all may come to know the good news of Jesus!

Why Alpha?

Re-imagining how the Church shares life, faith and Jesus.

Alpha helps create a space for encounter

People come to discover a relationship with Jesus and experience the Holy Spirit.

Alpha creates a culture of invitation

As people invite their friends to Alpha they get to experience the joy of seeing first-hand the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation. This encouragement helps entire church communities recapture the joy of sharing the Good News of Jesus.

Alpha creates a discipleship and leadership pipeline

Guests who come on Alpha will often come back as helpers for the next one, and integrate into the greater life of the church.

What can Alpha in a Chinese context do for your church?

Share the Good News of Jesus to the wider Chinese community

God blessed churches in Canada to participate in sharing the Good News of Jesus through the new wave of immigrants and visitors.

Revitalize a culture of:


Restore the unity of the church

Multi-ethnic, English speaking churches can provide a serving platform for Chinese members and help them integrate into the community by serving Alpha together. Through this, the church can also testify to the world that we are One in Christ. 

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

— Matthew 9:35-38

Preview the Chinese Alpha Talks

Chinese Alpha Film Series

15 sessions – 11 weeks / Pastor Cai Songhui, Liao Zhi, Ruitao

The Chinese Alpha Film Series is Alpha’s first fully contextualized version of the Alpha Film Series. Filmed entirely in Chinese, the series allows audiences to explore life, faith, and meaning through culturally relevant content. The series is filmed in seven locations around the world.

Available languages and subtitles

Protestant context:
Language (audio): Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien
Subtitles: English + Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese (choose one)
Catholic context:
Language (audio): Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles: English + Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese (choose one)

Alpha Cantonese Teens Series (ACTS)

13 sessions – 11 weeks / Matches Mak & Lan Zhenzhen

ACTS is designed to engage students in conversations about life, faith and Jesus. ACTS has been reimagined for today’s youth culture. Through 13 engaging talks, ACTS creates a space for students to explore and develop a relationship with Jesus.

Available languages and subtitles

Cantonese: Traditional Chinese subtitles

Alpha Next Gen (Cantonese)

13 sessions – 10 weeks / Chapman & Matches

Alpha Next Gen Series is a new mini-film series made in Hong Kong. It is hosted in Cantonese by Chapman Fu and Matches Mak. It delivers the unchanging message of salvation to this generation, catering to students, young adults and the digital generation.

Available languages and subtitles

Cantonese (original): Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese subtitles
Mandarin (dubbed): Simplified Chinese subtitles

“Our church has been using Alpha for close to 20 years as an outreach program to reach many different culture groups in Vancouver. However, nothing has ever been as effective as the new CAFS, especially when it comes to engaging the growing Mainland Chinese community in our city. CAFS has allowed our primarily English-speaking congregation to connect with unchurched family members, co-workers, and neighbours who have previously lacked the opportunity to step into a “Canadian” church. The resources that Alpha provides is revitalizing our missional purpose right here in our own city!”

James Fam,
Associate Pastor (Campus Development), Coastal Church, Richmond

Interested in running Alpha for Chinese? 

Book a 1:1 call with Helen, our Alpha Advisor, Chinese Context. 

Or simply just register a course today! 

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