Reigniting Hope:
Sharing the Good News in Canada

A report on attitudes, behaviours, and experiences in sharing the message of Jesus across Canada

In partnership with the Flourishing Congregations Institute, we embarked on a journey to explore how Canadian church leaders perceive and practice evangelism.

What we found was unexpected and encouraging. According to the research, 72% of leaders have witnessed an increase in spiritual curiosity in their neighbourhoods and communities. Our goal is that this research will reignite hope and inspire the local church to look upwards and outwards as God moves across Canada.

Explore the findings: A conversation with Shaila Visser and Joel Thiessen

Shaila Visser, National Director of Alpha Canada, along with Dr. Joel Thiessen, Director of the Flourishing Congregations, reveal how over 800 church leaders from across our country prioritize and practice sharing the Good News of Jesus.

Watch the recording of their discussion and discover the pivotal role of prayer, the joy of celebrating the transformative work of Jesus, and the power of an invitational culture.

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