Only 1 in 6 Canadian teens is committed to Jesus.
Today, your gift of $100, $200, or even $300 can help high school students, together with their friends, discover a relationship with Jesus.
Canadian teens and young people are full of incredible potential. Though only 1 in 6 is committed to Jesus, many of them are curious about who He is and what faith is about. They have good, smart questions, and they’re hungry for meaning in their lives.
Through it all, they need a safe place to meaningfully explore their deep questions about life’s meaning and purpose. To have trusted companions and resources alongside them for the journey.
The great news is this: you can give them this opportunity today.
Today, your gift of $100, $200, or even $300 can help high school students discover a relationship with Jesus.
High school has just started, and we want to meet young people where they’re at.
Because they are the ones who will be the church’s future leaders. They will be our pastors, priests, teachers, chaplains, and mentors.
But how can they be those leaders tomorrow if they don’t discover the goodness of Jesus today?