What does Gen Z believe about sharing the Good News of Jesus?
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Listen and learn as we go through the key findings from the Reviving Evangelism in the Next Generation report. You’ll hear from Alpha Canada, as well as from key church leaders across Canada who are invested in equipping Gen Z to share their faith.
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LIFE ON PURPOSE is designed to serve teens by helping them make the connection between meaning, belonging, impact, and the joy of having their friends come to know Jesus.
The four-episode series works well as envisioning and training for your youth group or individual youth as a lead-up to hosting Youth Alpha.
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Reviving Evangelism in the Next Generation
In addition to data and trends, this report also:
– Profiles young people who are proud of sharing their faith.
– Explores how leaders can support Gen Z in sharing the Good News of Jesus.
– Provides you with practical tips for fostering a passion for sharing the Good News of Jesus in the young people you lead.
This exclusive report will be made available to anyone currently running Alpha via the MyAlpha platform. If you do not have a MyAlpha account, use discount code ALPHACANADA10 to purchase the journal from Barna.
Download 5 Key Findings on Gen Z
Clay has been working with youth for over 28 years and is the Associate Director of the Archdiocese of Vancouver.
In response to the Barna findings, Clay highlighted the importance of witness, and accompaniment. What does it look like for youth workers to lead by example and come alongside youth in their spiritual journey?
“We know in youth ministry, it’s earning the right to be heard. When we’re ministering to and with young people, it’s making them the experts. It’s going to their turf and taking a genuine, honest interest in their lives.“
Vijay is the Lead Pastor at the Well Community Church in Toronto which has a vibrant Gen Z community.
In response to the Barna findings, Vijay shared how older generations somehow came to believe the idea that the gospel is primarily about propositional truth, tenets that need to be explained to people.
In Gen Z, he sees a generation that recognizes Jesus came to us, not with a set of propositional truths, but in the flesh, to be in relationship with those he was trying to save.
Chandra is the Pastor of Youth and Young Adults at Forest Grove Community Church in Saskatchewan.
In response to the Barna findings, Chandra shared how she believes the words ‘living out your faith’ for Gen Z will mean engaging in social issues like racial injustice, nation-to-nation reconciliation in Canada, or addressing societal issues like poverty, mental health, gender, and sexuality.
“One of our students just recently, asked me, ‘How can I tell someone to believe in something and belong to something that doesn’t actually seem to do what they say they’re going to do. That hit me really hard because I want our young people to see a church that is alive and active.“
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