Working at Alpha

We equip the
Church in its
mission to help
people discover
Our team is made up of energetic, passionate, team players who are committed to empowering the church in Canada to provide a space where people can have open, honest conversations about life, faith and Jesus. Each staff member is highly engaged in our vision and loves being part of a hard working, fun loving, outgoing team.
Our Values
In all we do, we seek to obey, exalt and glorify Christ in humility and service of one another.
We make every effort to maintain the bond of unity with staff, the Board, Alpha International, and the Church, so that the world may believe.”
We are for the local church, by the local church, and through the local Church, first in Canada and then the world.
Prayer and the ministry of the Holy Spirit are essential in all aspects of Alpha Canada.
We value a relationally based ministry that loves, listens, and encompasses mutual trust and love for a common mission in Jesus.
We value creating a space where the stranger can become a friend.
We value investing in the spiritual and professional leadership development of every staff member and key volunteers for their flourishing.
We value a commitment to new ideas that bring value and transformative solutions to the church in culturally contextual ways.

Explore job opportunities
Financial Officer
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Digital Support Team (Volunteer)
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