NEW Alpha Youth Series Live Premiere & Watch Party

We’re inviting youth AND youth workers from coast to coast to join us for the Canadian launch of the brand-new Alpha Youth Series! Be one of the first to check out this fresh resource, specifically designed for Gen Z and Gen Alpha. There will be prizes AND surprises as we launch into this next chapter […]

Coastal Church Vancouver: In-Person Alpha “Come & See”

“Come and See” is a wonderful opportunity to gather with other church leaders who are: Exploring Alpha and wonder whether Alpha could work in their context. New to Alpha and are keen to see it modelled up close. Experienced in running Alpha but are curious as to how to position Alpha beyond a program or […]

Re-Presenting Jesus: Sharing Christ in Contemporary Culture

Join us on Tuesday, November 12th at our upcoming event in partnership with Divine Renovation called Re-Presenting Jesus: Sharing Christ in Contemporary Culture. As the Body of Christ, we are called to make Jesus present in every age and to all people. This isn’t always easy. We can be limited by language and culture, and […]

Rock Church Halifax: Prayer Night

Rock Church Halifax 222 Sackville Dr, Lower Sackville, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Join Rock Church Halifax on November 12 for special night of prayer, hosted in partnership with Alpha Canada! This is a moment for our community to come together for a powerful time of prayer and connection across different churches. This evening will be focused on unity, prayer, and encountering the Holy Spirit, with a specific […]

St. Paul’s Bloor Street: Prayer Night

St. Paul's Bloor Street 227 Bloor St E, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Join St. Paul's Bloor Street on November 14 for 'Kingdom Come', a night of prayer, worship, and encounter. All are welcome! Event details   Prayer Nights are an opportunity for all ages, young and old, from local churches all across our nation to unite together in prayer for the next generation. Let’s create a wave […]

Chinese Alpha Film Series Connect Event

我們誠意邀請您參加2024年最後一次華人啟發聯結線上會議。華人啟發聯結是全球華人啟發團隊的每月在線會議。 本月線上會議主題:聽聽他們怎麼說...... 在本月的華人啟發聯結會議上,我們將聽到來自全球不同華人教會的牧者、啟發組長和來賓們的華人啟發故事。我們將一起數算2024年上帝賜給我們的恩典和奇妙作為。其中,我們還將聽到來自加拿大愛德蒙頓星光國語教會鼓勵人心的分享。不要錯過這個一同慶祝,一同讚美上帝的時刻! 本次線上會議語言:國語/普通話。 會議日期及時間: 2024年11月21日,星期四 5:00pm - 6:30pm (PT) 6:00pm - 7:30pm (MT) 8:00pm - 9:30pm (ET) 點擊這裡免費註冊 想要了解更多關於在中文處境開辦啟發,請前往 了解詳情。 CAFS Connect is an online initiative of the CAFS Team to connect Chinese Alpha teams globally. Topic this month: Let’s Hear What They Want to Say…… At the CAFS Connect online meeting this month, […]

Holy Family Parish : Prayer Night

Holy Family Parish 777 Valetta Street, London, British Columbia, Canada

Join Holy Family Parish on November 22 for a night of prayer, worship, and fellowship. All youth and young adults (13-35) are welcome! Event details   Prayer Nights are an opportunity for all ages, young and old, from local churches all across our nation to unite together in prayer for the next generation. Let’s create […]

Run Alpha

Run Alpha is our monthly webinar for church leaders and volunteers who want to learn the basics of running Alpha for their friends or community at their church. It's your opportunity to ask questions, hear from Alpha Staff, and connect with other leaders seeking to run an impactful Alpha. We will hear from Adrian Rojo […]

Chinese National Winter Training

2024年12月7號,我們邀請您參加我們的Zoom上全國中文冬季培訓! 我們的培訓目標是通過幫助啟發領袖和同工們掌握舉辦啟發的核心原則,從而為計劃和舉辦啟發做好準備。您將會了解到啟發的基本要素、核心價值觀和文化,以及一些被證明有效的最佳實踐。此外,我們還將聽到我們的朋友,蒙特利爾宣道會錫安堂馬超傳道的啟發故事。 如果您計劃在2025年上半年在教會、團契亦或小組內舉辦啟發,我們鼓勵您不要錯過這個培訓! 在這次一小時的培訓上,您將聽到以下內容: 如何舉辦啟發:採訪蒙特利尔宣道会錫安堂馬超傳道,聽聽他們的啟發故事; 萬變不離其宗的啟發原則和啟發文化; 如何計劃、舉辦啟發的最佳實踐實用貼士; 啟發最新消息。 這場培訓為誰預備? 教會牧長及事工帶領人; 啟發帶領人; 啟發志願者; 任何想更多了解如何舉辦啟發的人。 該培訓包括普通話場和粵語場。您只需要根據您最方便的語言註冊其中一場。 Join our Chinese National Winter Training on Zoom - Dec. 7th, 2024! This training is designed to equip and prepare Alpha leaders and volunteers with essential guidance for planning and running Alpha. You’ll learn about the core elements, foundational values, culture […]

Stories of Celebration 2024

Let’s get together and celebrate how local churches across Canada are sharing the hope of Jesus with their communities through Alpha. Hear amazing stories from leaders and volunteers who’ve seen lives changed and faith grow through Alpha—whether in their church, small group, or even at home. So grab your favourite holiday drink, throw on your […]

National Team Training

Join Us for National Team Training for Alpha and Alpha Youth! This online event is designed to inspire and equip adult and student leaders, pastors, and Alpha administrators with the essential tools and foundational principles needed to run Alpha in any setting—churches, high schools, homes, community groups, prisons, and beyond! Together with the Alpha Canada […]

North Langley Community Church – Alpha Leaders Training

Regional Open Team Training events are hosted live and in person by Alpha Hub Churches and provide a glimpse of a typical Alpha night while also providing valuable Alpha Team Training and the opportunity for discussion, prayer, and Q&R. These training nights are ideal for church leaders and their Alpha teams who are running, or […]

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