Alpha Leadership Tour
Leadership Tour Details
We can’t wait to join together with church leaders from across Canada to learn, celebrate and connect in the beautiful and historic city of London.
The Leadership Tour for 2025 is now sold out and registration is closed.
Draft schedule

Meet your hosts

Ryan Moffat
Director of Strategic Partnerships, Alpha Canada
I’m honoured in my role as the Director of Strategic Partnerships to be able to work closely with some of the brightest and most influential Church leaders across Canada. I also have the privilege of aiding in the leadership development of Alpha International staff and sit on the Executive Team at Alpha Canada.

Pam Aramburu
Associate National Director, Alpha Canada
Originally from Mexico City, Pam transitioned from Broadcast Media to ministry after hearing God’s call. For 17 years, she served at Centre Street Church in Calgary, most recently as Pastor of Communications and Technical Ministries on The Senior Leadership Team.
Pam, her husband, and their two sons, Fernando (10) and Diego (7), are passionate about helping people become part of Jesus’ story.

Ed Zadeiks
National Director of Catholic Church, Alpha Canada
As National Director of Alpha in a Catholic Context for the past six years, I’m grateful to serve and equip the Catholic Church across Canada in its mission to evangelize and bring people to Christ. I sit on the Alpha Executive Strategy team. I’m a lifelong practicing and proud Catholic, born and educated in Vancouver, BC.
My wife Shawna and I, along with our 3 kids, have been actively involved in our parish, Christ the Redeemer, since 2004. We are leaders in C.C.O’s Faith Studies, and since 2012 have personally led 30+ Alphas in our parish as well as across the Archdiocese of Vancouver.

Tim Teakle
National Alpha Youth Director, Alpha Canada
Tim has served 20+ years in ministry and is currently the National Alpha Youth Director at Alpha Canada. He was a youth pastor for 10 years and has been with Alpha for another 10, serving in the youth department, overall church experience and strategic development.
He and his wife Carolyn have 4 children and a cat named Archie. In his spare time, Tim enjoys custom carpentry and refinishing, movies, and hanging out with his kids.
Highlights from 2024