Several months ago we interviewed 44 leaders in Protestant churches across Canada on what was taking place in their midst in this unique season, and how COVID-19 has impacted their ministry, specifically evangelism.
The intention of this report is to inform, to encourage and to give voice to the amazing church leaders across Canada who are faithfully serving those in their communities.

Read the Report
Read more about the challenges and triumphs of ministry in this season from the insights and voices of Protestant church leaders across Canada.
“Since the beginning of time, the primary way people
shared their faith was in community and in person. Trying
to serve out in the community and mobilize people to
be evangelists when the highest social value in Canada
in 2020 has been to keep ‘socially distanced’ is a big
– Joel Gorveatte, Lead Pastor, Moncton
Wesleyan Church, Moncton
“Even though I am not 100% clear of where we are
going, I am intentionally stepping into leading with a
dependency on Him and a longing to push our people
to a deeper relationship with Jesus.”
– Tammy Giffen, Lead Pastor,
Groundswell Church, Truro
“I encouraged each member in our church to “stop
for the one” — to make space for people in our
neighbourhoods to interrupt or even disrupt our
schedules so we can listen to their stories and discover
practical ways to love on them. We also received
word from the local food bank of shortages due to the
increased demand as a result of job loss. Our original
idea was to collect 3,500 lb. of food. In the end, our
people responded faithfully and we collected over
21,000 lb. for three different food banks! God’s people
showing up when the city is in need fills my heart with
thankfulness and hope. Praise the Lord.”
– Ho-Ming Tsui, Lead Pastor, Richmond Hill
Christian Community Church, Richmond Hill
Alpha Online
Staying connected as a church and reaching people with the gospel is hard during the pandemic. Alpha online is a way to engage your congregation in this season. Alpha helps create a space where everyone feels safe to ask their questions about life, faith and Jesus.